
About Us

Who We Are

Operating Australia-wide, Meridian Motor Co’s wholesale division is a precision-focused automobile solutions provider. We specialise in vehicle valuation services for motor dealerships, as well as providing a solution to common supply issues, such as the inability to purchase stock because of low supply, poorly described vehicles, and wholesalers with unreasonable asking prices.

With over a decade of experience, and a dedicated team of carefully selected vehicle valuation and purchasing experts, Meridian Wholesale have a proven pedigree in assisting motor dealerships around Australia to improve stock turnover, close more deals and optimise profits.

Whether you’re looking for a solution to vehicle valuation or supply issues, our team are always ready to assist.

Our Vision

At Meridian Wholesale, our vision and aspiration is to positively shape the Australian motor industry, by facilitating consistent and fair sales experiences for dealers and consumers alike.

By removing market disparity in the vehicle valuation process, our services are designed to create more equitable results for all parties. We do this by using a finely tuned valuation process that involves intelligent tools, industry insights, market predictions, sales trends and forecasting.

In providing the foundation for accurate listing prices, we aim to create optimised and timely selling experiences for motor dealers, private sellers and consumers Australia-wide.

Wish to do business with us?

Call us on

(02) 9715 6577

We’re available from 8:00am to 6:00pm everyday.​
